Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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M.Kontrík, F.Šimko, D.Galusková, M.Nosko, V.Bizovská, M.Hičák, D.Galusek, A.Rakhmatullin, M.Korenko, 'A corrosion mechanism of titanium diboride in KF−AlF3−Al2O3 melt', J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 38 1143-1151 (2018) doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2017.11.030

TiB2 samples were exposed to molten KF−AlF3−Al2O3: 54.8-42.1-3.1 mol% salt, at 680 °C for 50, 100 and 200 h. The corroded samples of TiB2 were investigated by SEM-EDX, EBSD, XRD, FT-IR and MAS NMR analysis. Corrosion was noted to occur predominantly as pitting attacks on the surface of the investigated materials. An inter-crystal and trans-crystal corrosion were identified on the cross-sections of the samples. A perturbation of Tisingle bondB bonds was detected (SEM-EDX and NMR analysis), at which a formation of orthorhombic TiO2 was also identified (EBSD analysis). The subsequent NMR, XRD and FT-IR analysis of the behaviour of TiB2 powder in molten KF−AlF3−Al2O3 supports the statement about the formation of orthorhombic TiO2 and mullite type of aluminium borates.