Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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G.Oukali, E.Salager, M.R.Ammar, C.E.Dutoit, V.Sarou-Kanian, Patrice Simon, E.Raymundo-Pinero, M.Deschamps, 'In Situ Magnetic Resonance Imaging of a Complete Supercapacitor Giving Additional Insight on the Role of Nanopore', ACS Nano 13 12810-12815 (2019) doi:10.1021/acsnano.9b04998

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is one of the rare techniques able to probe selectively the ions inside the nanoporous network in supercapacitor devices. With a magnetic resonance imaging method able to detect all ions (adsorbed and non-adsorbed), we record one-dimensional concentration profiles of the active ions in supercapacitors with an electrode configuration close to that used in industry. Larger anionic concentration changes are probed upon charge and discharge in a Carbide-Derived Carbon (CDC) with micropores below 1 nm compared to a conventional nanoporous carbon (CC) with a larger distribution of pore sizes, up to 2 nm. They highlight the increased interaction of the anions with CDC and provide a better understanding of the enhanced capacitance in CDC-based supercapacitors.