Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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L.González-Fernández, R.B.Pérez-Sáez, L.del Campo, M.J.Tello, 'Analysis of Calibration Methods for Direct Emissivity Measurements', Appl. Optics 49 2728-2735 (2010)

We analyze two important points related to the experimental emissivity measurements in this paper: the radiometer calibration accuracy and its stability to determine the required frequency of calibration. The usual two-temperature calibration method is compared to a more accurate method, which uses the measurement of blackbody radiation at several temperatures. Additionally, the suitability of the two temperature method is studied as a function of the gap between both temperatures. Differences higher than 200 °C are needed to obtain an acceptable calibration. The temporal stability of the calibration and the influence of the environmental conditions are also analyzed.