Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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  Sandra Ory

Assistant Ingénieur CNRS
Research Team CERAM web pages
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Site Haute Température
CS 90055
1D avenue de la Recherche Scientifique
45071 Orléans cedex 2 - FRANCE
tel : +33 (0) 238 25 55 15
CEMHTI Web Pages...

Publication list (not only @CEMHTI)

26 ACL , 1 ACLN , 1 OS / Group by  
doi HAL 
M.Vigier, P.Deniard, E.Gautron, N.Gautier, C.Genevois, S.Ory, M.Allix, I.Ben Kacem, S.Jobic
"Microstructural insights on lithium aluminum silicate (LAS) glass ceramics"
Ceramics International 50 29011 [2024]
Arthur Cachot, Leire del Campo, Lionel Cosson, Sandra Ory, Emmanuel Veron, Mohammed Malki
"Highlighting amorphous phase separation process on cooling borosilicate melts using impedance spectroscopy"
Journal of Non Crystalline Solids 641 [2024]
doi HAL 

J.Baborák, M.Yembele, P.Vařák, S.Ory, E.Véron, M.J.Pitcher, M.Allix, P.Nekvindová, A.Zandonà
"Key melt properties for controlled synthesis of glass beads by aerodynamic levitation coupled to laser heating"
Int J Appl Glass Sci. 14 455 [2023]
doi HAL 

Jonas Biren, Aneta Slodczyk, Joan Andújar, Leire del Campo, Lionel Cosson, Hao Li, Emmanuel Veron, Cécile Genevois, Sandra Ory, Muhammad Aufaristama
"High temperature spectral emissivity of glass and crystal-bearing basalts"
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 430 107623 [2022]
doi HAL 

L.Fernández-Rodríguez, M.Allix, G.Gorni, A.Canizarès, S.Ory, G.C.Mather, A.Durán, D.Levy, M.J.Pascual
"Persistent luminescence of Eu/Dy-doped Sr2MgSi2O7 glass-ceramics processed by aerodynamic levitation"
Journal of the European Ceramic Society [2022]

doi HAL 

A.Zandona, S.Ory, C.Genevois, E.Véron, A.Canizarès, M.J.Pitcher, M.Allix
"Glass formation and devitrification behavior of alkali (Li, Na) aluminosilicate melts containing TiO2"
Journal of Non Crystalline Solids 582 121448 [2022]

doi HAL 
M.Naji, O.El Kssiri, S.Ory, A.Canizarès, M.Filali, P.Simon, A.Faik, Y.Vaills
"Insight into the structure–elastic property relationship of calcium silicate glasses: a multi-length scale approach"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 17973-17983 [2021]

doi HAL 

C.Genevois, H.Bazzaoui, M.Boyer, S.Ory, Y.Ledemi, Y.Messaddeq, M.J.Pitcher, M.Allix
"Emergence of A-Site Cation Order in the Small Rare-Earth Melilites SrREGa3O7 (RE = Dy–Lu, Y)"
Inorganic Chemistry 60 12339-12354 [2021]

doi HAL 
Marie Collin, Babacar Diallo, Hélène Lecoq, Sandra Ory, Elodie Chauvet, Nadia Pellerin
"Chemical durability of lead crystal glass: Comparison of short-term aqueous and atmospheric alteration at 90°C"
International Journal of Applied Glass Sciences 12 158–174 [2021]
doi HAL 

Yann Morizet, Michael Paris, David Sifré, Ida Di Carlo, Sandra Ory, Fabrice Gaillard
"Reply on the comment by X. Xue on «Towards the reconciliation of viscosity change and CO2-induced polymerization in silicate melt» by Yann Morizet, Michael Paris, David Sifré, Ida Di Carlo, Sandra Ory, and Fabrice Gaillard [chemical Geology 458, 38-47]"
Chemical Geology 119676 [2020]