Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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  Louis Hennet

last known position : Ingénieur de Recherche à l'ICMN (Orléans)
was at CEMHTI from 01/06/1997 to 31/05/2020
as Ingénieur de Recherche

Research Team Web pages...

Publication list (not only @CEMHTI)

131 ACL , 32 ACLN , 1 HDR , 2 OS , 10 OV / Group by  
doi HAL 
V.Cristiglio, I.Pozdnyakova, A.Bytchkov, G.J.Cuello, S.Jahn, D.Zanghi, S.Brassamin, J.W.E.Drewitt, L.Hennet
"Liquid Structure of Magnesium Aluminates"
Materials 17 6173 [2024]

doi HAL 
J.W.E.Drewitt, A.C.Barnes, S.Jahn, R.A.Brooker, L.Hennet, D.R.Neuville, H.E.Fischer
"Iron coordination in liquid FeAl2O4"
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 381 20220351 [2023]
doi HAL 
Miguel Angel González, Hiroshi Akiba, Oleg Borodin, Gabriel Julio Cuello, Louis Hennet, Shinji Kohara, Edward J.Maginn, Lucile Mangin-Thro, Osamu Yamamuro, Yong Zhang, David L.Price, Marie-Louise Saboungi
"Structure of water-in-salt and water-in-bisalt electrolytes"
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 10727-10736 [2022]

doi HAL 
J.W.E.Drewitt, L.Hennet, D.R.Neuville
"From Short to Medium Range Order in Glasses and Melts by Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy"
Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry 87 55-103 [2022]
doi HAL 
C.Avril, V.Malavergne, E.D.Van Hullebusch, F.Brunet, S.Borensztajn, J.Labanowski, L.Hennet, F.Guyot
"Alteration of synthetic enstatite chondrite meteorites by iron and sulfur oxidizing bacteria"
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 56 601–618 [2021]
doi HAL 
I.Pozdnyakova, O.Roik, J.W.E.Drewitt, A.Bytchkov, F.Kargl, S.Jahn, S.Brassamin, L.Hennet
"Structure of Si-Ge melts studied by high-energy x-ray diffraction in combination with reverse Monte Carlo simulations"
Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter 33 244002 [2021]
doi HAL 

M.Jacquemin, P.Simon, A.Canizares, L.Hennet, C.Bessada, D.Skrelic, E.Gouillart, E.Burov
"High sensitivity Raman imaging of the surface of casted glass plates"
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 52 1048-1054 [2021]

doi HAL 
G.Lelong, L.Cormier, L.Hennet, F.Michel, J.P.Rueff, J.Ablett, G.Monaco
"Lithium borates from the glass to the melt: a temperature-induced structural transformation viewed from the boron and oxygen atoms"
Inorganic Chemistry 60 798–806 [2021]
doi HAL 

H.Liu, W.Chen, R.Pan, Z.Shan, A.Qiao, J.W.E.Drewitt, L.Hennet, S.Jahn, D.P.Langstaff, G.A.Chass, H.Tao, Y.Yue, G.N.Greaves
"From Molten Calcium Aluminates through Phase Transitions to Cement Phases"
Advanced Science 7 1902209 [2020]
doi HAL 

D.Di Genova, R.A.Brooker, H.Mader, J.W.E.Drewitt, A.Longo, D.R.Neuville, S.Fanara, O.Shebanova, S.Anzellini, F.Arzilli, E.C.Bamber, L.Hennet, J.Deubener, G.La Spina
"In situ observation of nanolite growth in volcanic melt: a driving force for explosive eruptions."
Science Advances 6 eabb0413 [2020]