Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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  Tan-Vu Huynh

last known position :
was at CEMHTI from 15/04/2016 to 14/10/2016
as Chercheur CDD

Research Team Web pages...

Publication list (not only @CEMHTI)

3 ACL / Group by  
doi HAL 
R.J.Messinger, T.V.Huynh, R.Bouchet, V.Sarou-Kanian, M.Deschamps
"Magic-Angle-Spinning-Induced Local Ordering in Polymer Electrolytes and Its Effects on Solid-State Diffusion and Relaxation NMR Measurements"
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 58(11) 1118-1129 [2020]

doi HAL 
T.V.Huynh, R.J.Messinger, V.Sarou-Kanian, F.Fayon, R.Bouchet, M.Deschamps
"Restricted lithium ion dynamics in PEO-based block copolymer electrolytes measured by high-field nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation"
Journal of Chemical Physics 147 134902 [2017]

doi HAL 

S.Cadars, R.Guégan, M.N.Garaga, X.Bourrat, L.Le Forestier, F.Fayon, T.V.Huynh, T.Allier, Z.Nour, D.Massiot
"New Insights into the Molecular Structures, Compositions, and Cation Distributions in Synthetic and Natural Montmorillonite Clays"
Chemistry of Materials 24 4376–4389 [2012]