Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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  Marie-Lyne Amany

last known position :
was at CEMHTI from 01/10/2018 to 31/05/2022
as Thèse - PhD

Research Team Web pages...

Publication list (not only @CEMHTI)

2 ACL / Group by  
doi HAL 

D.Horlait, J.Domange, M.L.Amany, M.Gérardin, M.F.Barthe, G.Carlot, E.Gilabert
"Experimental investigation of Kr diffusion in UO2+x: Slight deviations from stoichiometry, significant effects on diffusion kinetics and mechanisms"
Journal of Nuclear Materials 574 154191 [2023]
doi HAL 

Denis Horlait, Rémi Faure, Bertrand A.Thomas, Nicolas Devert, Marie-Lyne Amany, Gaëlle Carlot, Éric Gilabert
"A new thermo-desorption laser-heating setup for studying noble gas diffusion and release from materials at high temperatures"
Review of Scientific Instruments 92 124102 [2021]