Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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  Abdelaziz Imgharn

last known position :
was at CEMHTI from 01/02/2022 to 31/05/2022
as Visiteur
Doctorant - ibn zohr University - Agadir

Research Team Web pages...

Publication list (not only @CEMHTI)

1 ACL / Group by  
doi HAL 
Abdelaziz Imgharn, Tingwei Sun, Jimmy Nicolle, Yassine Naciri, Abdelghani Hsini, Abdallah Albourine, Conchi Ania
"A Simple Approach to Prepare a C3N4/MoO3 Heterojunction with Improved Photocatalytic Performance for the Degradation of Methylparaben"
Catalysts 14 ASAP [2024]