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Open softwares developped @ CEMHTI

We develop softwares for fitting / modeling experimental NMR and IR/emission/optical spectroscopy which are made freely available to the community.

Focus is a curve fitting software for the Windows operating system that has been developed to facilitate spectroscopic modelling and data exchange.

dmfit and editNMR are Windows softwares dedicated to the fitting / modelling of NMR spectra in one and two dimensions. (dmfit is also running under Linux or MacOS with Wine emulator)

"Modelling one- and two-dimensional solid-state NMR spectra"
Massiot et al. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 40 pp70-76 (2002) [more].

ISI citation index 3446 (12/12/2023) - 11489 users with download
"One of the most cited recent paper in the field of Engineering" ISI July 2003
Communiqué de Presse CNRS   we thank all "dmfit" users for this achievement