Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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C.Bessada, D.Zanghi, O.Pauvert, L.Maksoud, A.Gil-Martin, V.Sarou-Kanian, P.Melin, S.Brassamin, A.Nezu, H.Matsuura, 'High temperature EXAFS experiments in molten actinide fluorides: the challenge of a triple containment cell for radioactive and aggressive liquids', J. Nucl. Mater. 494 192-199 (2017) doi:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.07.023

An airtight double barrier cell with simple geometry has been developed for X-rays absorption measurements at high temperature in solid and molten actinide fluorides. The aim was both to improve the air tightness, to avoid any possible leakage and to maintain the high quality of the signal. The dimensions of the heating chamber were also constrained and minimized to be compatible with the limited space available usually on synchrotron beam lines and with a geometry suitable for absorption/diffraction measurements at high temperature. The design of the double barrier cell was also driven by the safety requirements in every experiment involving radioactive materials. The furnace itself was designed to ensure easy operating modes and disassembly, the aim being to consider the furnace as the ultimate containment. The cell has been tested with different molten fluorides up to more than 1000°C, starting from non-radioactive LiF-ZrF4 mixtures in order to prove that the cell is absolutely airtight and that not any contamination of the environment occurs. Then it has been successfully applied to thorium fluoride- and uranium fluoride- alkali fluorides mixtures