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Maxime Yon, 'Magic angle spinning magnetic resonance micro-imaging of rigid solids', These (2017)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a powerful tool which offers high resolution spatial localization of mobile species in soft tissues providing insight of their internal structure. However, the application of MRI in rigid solids remains challenging as they usually exhibit short transverse relaxation time which prohibits the use of spin echo MRI sequences and strong line broadening which decreases both the sensitivity and the resolution obtained with frequency encoding.
Magic Angle Spinning (MAS), which averages anisotropic interactions through a macroscopic rotation of the sample, allows obtaining narrow resonances in the solid-state. In this manuscript we show the potentiality of combining MAS and MRI1-3 to carry out multi-nuclei (1H, 31P, 27Al or 51V) three dimensional micro-imaging in rigid solid, at very high magnetic field (17.6 T) with greatly improved SNR and spatial resolution when compared to static conditions. These will be exemplified on a wide range of materials: polymers, oxide ceramics, biomaterials and hard tissues with spatial resolutions ranging from 30 to 300 μm, at MAS spinning frequencies up to 20 kHz using classical MRI spin-echo or Zero Echo Time (ZTE) sequences.
Moreover, we also demonstrate that solid state NMR sequences such as Cross-Polarization (CP) can be employed to enhance contrast and to further depict spatially localized chemical variations in bones and related materials. The possibility to perform localized spectroscopy to study the metabolism of drosophila model is also demonstrated.