Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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I.M.Ermini, D.De Sousa Meneses, L.Cosson, I.González de Arrieta, O.Rozenbaum, P.Vespa, F.Fayon, 'Real-time emissivity measurements on solid phase formation and its degree of structural disorder during solidification of SrAl2Si2O8 from molten state', Infrared Phys. Technol. 141 105450 (2024) doi:10.1016/j.infrared.2024.105450

An in-situ real-time study on solid phase formation and its degree of structural disorder could shed light on the mechanisms of solidification from the liquid and allow insight into the creation of materials designed to possess enhanced properties and facilitate their production and application. The implementation of a Rapid Scan technique on a FT-IR emissometer designed to allow the observation of materials under extreme temperature conditions allows following the liquid to solid-state phase transition mechanisms through time-resolved emissivity spectra acquired at a speed of 20 spectra per second. The cooling rate of the material can be modified by controlling the laser-heating system. This technique has been validated on SrAl2Si2O8 feldspar, a material which displays structural disorder. The technique is sufficiently accurate to determine small changes in the linewidths of spectra obtained at different cooling rates, suggesting that structural order is increased at slower cooling speeds and confirming the Al/Si ordering dependence on thermal history.