Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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  Thierry Sauvage

Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS
Research Team DEFIR web pages
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Site Cyclotron
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CEMHTI Web Pages...

Publication list (not only @CEMHTI)

153 ACL , 14 ACLN , 2 OS / Group by  
doi HAL 
Aurélien Perrot, Aurélien Canizares, Sandrine Miro, Laurent Claparede, Renaud Podor, Thierry Sauvage, Sylvain Peuget, Christophe Jegou, Nicolas Dacheux
"In situ Raman monitoring of studtite formation under alpha radiolysis in 18O-labeled water"
Journal of Nuclear Materials 600 155267 [2024]
doi HAL 
Sara Ibrahim, Asunción Fernández, Pascal Brault, Audrey Sauldubois, Pierre Desgardin, Amael Caillard, Dirk Hufschmidt, Maria-Carmen Jiménez de Haro, Thierry Sauvage, Marie-France Barthe, Anne-Lise Thomann
"DC magnetron sputter deposition in pure helium gas: formation of porous films or gas/solid nanocomposite coatings"
Vacuum 224 113184 [2024]
doi HAL 
Konstantina Christina Topka, Babacar Diallo, Maxime Puyo, Erwan Chesneau, Farah Inoubli, Simon Ponton, Cécile Genevois, Diane Samélor, Raphael Laloo, Daniel Sadowski, Cédric Charvillat, Cedric, Takashi Teramoto, François, Senocq, Thierry Sauvage, Hugues Vergnes, Marie Joelle Menu, Christian Dussarrat, Brigitte Caussat, Viviane Turq, Constantin Vahlas, Nadia Pellerin
"Silicon oxynitride coatings are very promising for inert and durable pharmaceutical glass vials"
ACS Applied Engineering Materials 1 3268-3283 [2023]

doi HAL 
A.Diop, A.Soum Glaude, A.Bousquet, T.Sauvage, L.Thomas, E.Tomasella
"W/W − SiCH/TaOxNy Multinanolayers for Concentrated Solar Power"
Chemical Engineering Transactions 101 7-12 [2023]
doi HAL 
Xiaogang Peng, Long Lin, Louise Stuttgé, Marc Rousseau, Thierry Sauvage, Emilie Voirin, Bertrand Donnio, Mircea V.Rastei, Jean-Louis Gallani
"Role of lattice defects on the magnetism of gold nanoparticles irradiated with neutrons"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 587 171249 [2023]
Chaturvedula S.Sastri, Thierry Sauvage, Olivier Wendling, Aurélien Bellamy, Christian Humburg
"Smoky Wood-Fired Ancient Glass Furnaces: Carbon Analysis of Roman Glass by 2.0 MeV Deuteron Activation Technique"
Minerals 13 [2023]
doi HAL 
Haohan Zhang, Tomo Suzuki-Muresan, Stéphane Gin, Guillaume Blain, Thierry Sauvage, Olivier Wendling, Johan Vandenborre, Abdesselam Abdelouas
"Effects of vapor hydration and radiation on the leaching behavior of nuclear glass"
Journal of Nuclear Materials 578 154368 [2023]
doi HAL 
Charlotte Kutyla, Clément Bessouet, Sylvain Lemettre, Laetitia Leroy, Alain Bosseboeuf, Philippe Coste, Thierry Sauvage, Olivier Wendling, Aurélien Bellamy, Piyush Jagtap, Stéphanie Escoubas, Christophe Guichet, Olivier Thomas, Johan Moulin
"Hydrogen sorption in yttrium-based getter thin films"
Vacuum 207 111655 [2023]
Hocine Khelfane, Caroline Andreazza-Vignolle, Aline Y.Ramos, José Penuelas, Thierry Sauvage, Pascal Andreazza
"Out-of-equilibrium supported Pt-Co core-shell nanoparticles stabilized by kinetic trapping at room temperature★"
European Physical Journal - Applied Physics 97 56 [2022]
doi HAL 

A.Canizarès, F.Foucher, M.Baqué, Vera, T.Sauvage, O.Wendling, A.Bellamy, P.Sigot T.Georgelin, P.Simon, F.Westall
"In Situ Raman Spectroscopy Monitoring of Material Changes During Proton Irradiation"
Applied Spectroscopy [2022]
