Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation

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  Catherine Bessada

Directeur de Recherche CNRS
- Directrice du CEMHTI 2013 à 2023

Research Team MatRMag web pages
ISI ReseacherId : C-2519-2008
Adresse - Direction
Site Haute Température
CS 90055
1D avenue de la Recherche Scientifique
45071 Orléans cedex 2 - FRANCE
tel : +33 (0) 238 25 55 09
CEMHTI Web Pages...

Directrice du CEMHTI UPR3079 CNRS

Director of CEMHTI UPR3079 CNRS

Publication list (not only @CEMHTI)

110 ACL , 39 ACLN , 1 Cours , 11 OS , 2 OV / Group by  
doi HAL 
Aydar Rakhmatullin, František Šimko, Didier Zanghi, Zuzana Netriová, Ilya B.Polovov, Ayrat Dimiev, Konstantin V.Maksimtsev, Catherine Bessada, Michal Korenko
"Structural correlation and chemistry of molten NaF–ScF3 with dissolved metal aluminium: TG/DTA, XRD, NMR and molecular dynamics simulations"
Rare Metals 43 3356–3369 [2024]

doi HAL 
Xiaohui Tang, Jinglin You, Fu Zhang, Aurélien Canizarès, Catherine Bessada, Qingli Zhang, Songming Wan, Liming Lu, Kai Tang
"Viscosity modelling of ternary CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 melts assisted by in situ high temperature Raman spectroscopy"
Ceramics International 50 16765-16774 [2024]
doi HAL 
Fu Zhang, Jinglin You, Aurélien Canizarès, Xiaohui Tang, Liming Lu, Catherine Bessada, Qingli Zhang, Songming Wan, Zheng Zhang
"Quantitative studies on the microstructure evolution and its impact on the viscosity of a molten Al2O3-Na3AlF6 system by Raman spectroscopy and theoretical simulations"
Journal of Molecular Liquids 396 123732 [2024]
doi HAL 
Xiaohui Tang, Jinglin You, Jian Wang, Fu Zhang, Xiaoye Gong, Yingfang Xie, Aurélien Canizarès, Catherine Bessada, Kai Tang, Liming Lu
"Quantitative studies on the microstructure of ternary CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 glasses by Raman spectroscopy, 27Al MAS NMR and quantum chemistry ab initio calculation"
Ceramics International 49 34397-34408 [2023]
doi HAL 
F.Šimko, A.Rakhmatullin, G.King, M.Allix, Z.Netriová, C.Bessada, Z.Netriová, D.Krishnan, and M.Korenko
"Cesium oxo-fluoro-aluminates in the CsF−Al2O3 System: Synthesis and Structural Characterization"
Inorganic Chemistry 62 15651–15663 [2023]

doi HAL 
Antonii Zhadan*, Antoine Carof, Vincent Sarou-Kanian, Leire del Campo, Lionel Cosson, Rodolphe Vuilleumier, Mohammed Malki, and Catherine Bessada
"Study of Speciation and Transport Properties for Different Compositions of Carbonates in Li2CO3–Na2CO3 and Li2CO3–K2CO3 Binary Systems at High Temperature in Molten State"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C [2023]

doi HAL 

A.Zhadan, V.Sarou-kanian, L.Del Campo, L.Cosson, M.Malki, C.Bessada
"Speciation and Transport Properties in Molten Alkali Carbonates at High Temperature"
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 17234-17242 [2022]

doi HAL 

A.Rakhmatullin, V.V.Brusko, E.R.Shcherbitskaya, I.B.Polovov, R.Bakirov, and C.Bessada
"Solid State 31P and 109Ag CP/MAS NMR as a powerful tool for studying of Silver(I) Complexes with N-Thiophosphorylated Thiourea and Thioamide ligands"
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 1-8 [2022]

doi HAL 

A.Rakhmatullin, M.S.Molokeev, G.King, I.B.Polovov, K.V.Maksimtsev, E.Chesneau, E.Suard, R.Bakirov, F.Šimko, C.Bessada, M.Allix
"Polymorphs of Rb3ScF6: X-ray and neutron diffraction, solid-state NMR, and DFT calculations study"
Inorganic Chemistry 60 6016–6026 [2021]

doi HAL 
Dominique Massiot, Catherine Bessada
"Letter to the Editor on the paper by Diop and collaborators"
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B submitted [2021]
